lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014



  1. 1900-1999
  2. 1899-1902: thousand  day war
  3. Kemerer mission
  4. Massacre de las bananeras
  5. Liberal republic
  6. Agrarian reform
  7. Gaitan-el Bogotazo
  8. Rojas pinilla
  9. Geography

  1. Eastern mountain range
It’s the longest mountain range which measures 1200 km. starts in the almager knot and ends at the Perija Mountain Range at Guajira. The Mountain range belongs to the basin of the Magdalena River. In it there is located the paramo of Sumapaz and Pisba. Forms the altiplano cundiboyacense and the sabana de bogota
  1. Western mountain range
Its divided into three branches: serrania de abibe, san jeronimo and ayapel. Its main mountains are the volcanoes of chile, cumbal, azufral and farallones de cali.
  1. Central mountain range
Its mainly known for its volcanic altiplanos. It’s the highest of the three with its nevado del huila which is 5.500 meters tall

  • The valle del rio magnalena is between the eastern and central mountain range
  • The valley of the cauca rive is between the wester and central mountain range
  1. Orinoquía plains 
  • Located at the country´s east side
  • Goes form the side of the eastern mountain range to the Orinoco river and form Arauca to Guaviare
  • Known for its numerous rivers, grasses and big plains.
  1. Amazon 
  • Located at the country´s south east
  • Extends from the eastern mountain range to the Brazilian border and from the Guaviare to the Putumayo river
  • Warm climate
  • Variate kinds of flora and fauna
  • Its considered humanity´s natural reserve
  1. Caribbean plains
  • Located at the country´s north side
  • Goes from the golfo de uraba to the guajira peninsula and from the foot hills of the mountain ranges to the Caribbean coasts
  • Warm climate
  • Known for its forests, livestock, and its tropical zones
  1. Pacific plains
  • Located at the country´s western side
  • Goes from the western mountain range to the pacific coast and from the golfo de uraba to the Ecuatorian border
  • Warm climate
  • Precipitation
  • Considered as a very rich zone for its biodiversity
  1. Main rivers:
    1. Magdalena river
  • Borns close to the Magdalena Lagoon 
  • 1558 km long
  • Desemboca en el mar Caribe
  • Receives water form more than 5000 sources
  • Goes through 18 departments
  • The most important rive in Colombia
  • Its economy is based in trade
  1. Caqueta river
  • Its 2.200 kilometers long
  • Borns in the paramo de las papas (colombian massif)
  • Goes through the country´s south east
  • Forms the border between cauca and Putumayo and Putumayo and caqueta
  • Receives the caguan river
  1. Cauca river
  • Borns in the Colombian massif close to the Buey lagoon
  • Goes north and gives its water to the Magdalena river
  • Its 1.350 km long
  • It´s very contaminated (contamination from Popayan)
  1. Atrato river
  1. Guaviare river
  • Its 1.355 meters long
  • Brown waters
  • San jose del guaviare´s bridge
  • Border between Vichada and guainia
  • Gives its waters to Orinoco

  1. Vichada river
  1. Putumayo river
  • Forms in the pastos knot
  • Is 1.800 km long
  • Gives its waters to the amazon rive
  • Moves in direction to the Colombia- ecuatorian border

  1. Meta river
  • Main of the llanos orientales
  • Its 1.200 km long
  • Goes through the plains and divides them
  • Its floor are high in nutrients

  1. Orinoco river
  • It´s 2.140 km long
  • It’s the third world´s caudaloso river
  • Borns in the cerro Delgado chalbaud
  • More than 65% of it is at Venezuela
  1. 5 natural regions
    1. Pacific
  • 400.000 sq km
  • Caquetá, Putumayo, Amazonas, Vaupés, Guainía y Guaviare
  • Tropical warm climate/ jungles and forests/ precipitation/ plains
  1. Orinoquian region
  • 310.000 sq km
  • Eastern side
  • Arauca, Casanare, Guainía, Meta, Guaviare, Vaupés y Vichada
  • Ganadería, agricultura and petroleum explorations
  • About 1 million people (5% indigenous)
  1. Caribean
  • 130.000 people
  • Goes from the golfo de uraba to the guajira peninsula
  • Rivers Magdalena, Cauca, San Jorge, Sinú, Ranchería and Ariguaní
  • Sierra nevado of santa marta
  • La Guajira, Bolívar, Atlántico, Cesar, Magdalena, Sucre, Córdoba, Santander y Antioquia
  • Warm climate
  1. Amazon
  • 400.00 sq km
  • Caquetá, Putumayo, Amazonas, Vaupés, Guainía and Guaviare
  • Border with Venezuela, Brasil, Perú y Ecuador.
  • Plains/ jungles/ biodiversity/ warm tropical climate
  • World´s biggest hydrographic basin
  • Indigenous people
  • World´s natural reserve
  1. Andes
  • Mountain ranges
  • 300.000 sq km
  • 70% Colombian population
  • Nariño, Cauca, Valle del Cauca, Huila, Tolima, Quindío, Risaralda, Caldas, Chocó, Antioquia, Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Santander, Norte de Santander, Meta, Córdoba, Cesar, Arauca, Caquetá, Casanare y Putumayo.
  • Diversity in climate
  • Lots of thermic floors
  • Macizo Colombiano, el Nudo de los Pastos, el Páramo de Sumapaz and los nudos de Paramillo
Primary: raw material (agriculture mining)
Secondary: industry (change raw material)
Tertiary: services (educations, health)
Quaternary: media, technology
  • Which are the sectors of economy in Colombia?
  • Primary: it’s related most of all to agriculture. Due to the fact that every sector has to work with some material and in this case, the RAW material comes directly from nature, into this sectors there´s agriculture, ganaderia, haunting, fishing and silvicultura.
  • Secondary: mining and petroleum extraction are related to industry (specifically extractive industry and not transformative industry) which is the epicenter of this sector. Related to the transformation of goods (RAW material)
  • Tertiary: activities related to grant the good working of the economy. For example: commerce, restaurants, communications, professional services, education. Produces NON TANGIBLE goods
  • Which is the most important one?
Knowing the great potential that Colombia has regarding agriculture, I would say the most important sector of economy in the nation is the primary sector, knowing that agriculture has a big role into it. It’s the most important because it’s the reason to everything. Industry couldn’t be able to change raw material if there wasn’t any actual raw material. Colombia has to work a lot with all its minerals. Also its one of the sectors which generates more competence (this can be proved with the FTA with the US)
  • In which sectors of economy do my parents work?
My parents belong to sector of construction (one of the sub- sectors that born out of the biggest sectors). This sectors includes small and big entrepreneurs and fabrics and arquitects and engineers. This sector includes also factories that transform materials. Therefore they can belong to the secondary and tertiary sectors. To the secondary, due to the fact that they work along with factories in charge of producing and transforming materials, but also to the tertiary because their job isn’t exactly tangible but to make the infrastructure (therefore the economy) of the country keep growing a be kept always great.

  • Unstable politics. Unstable economy. 
  • 1000 days war: 1899-1902
  • 2 main causes: 
    • Political situation: conservative/liberals. Constitution 1886- conservatives kicked liberals. Later, some guys wanted to change it to include the liberals. President (Jose Antonio Caro) refused. Liberals recurred to violence (as their way to have participation in politics)
    • Economic crisis: coffee was the main economic source (export). Everyone was producing coffee. Prices felt. Economy went in crisis. Coffee producers asked the gov to decrease the taxes to export. Government refused. Bankruptcy. Big economic crisis.
  • Started in Santander. Lots of people in Santander were and are liberal. Liberals all over the country had the same demands.
  • The fight between C and L were based in armies 
  • Conservative army was the legal army
  • Guerra de caballeros. Both armies had codes of honor. Battlefield.
  • Fought a lot of battles. Battle of Peralonso dec 1899. 
  • May 1900 Batalla de Palonegro. Defeat liberals. Liberals had left small groups of liberal guerrillas. 
  • People stop support to liberals
  • Liberal-conservative oct 24/1902. Peace agreements. Treaty of the Netherlands. END OF THE WAR
  • Difficult to eliminate guerrilla groups (actually FARC)
  • Post war
  • 100.000 colombians dead: no work in farms=no production=no food=prices of food increased=no supply. 
  • 1903: separation of Panama: planning of canal: railroad to move merchandise: transportation: natural resources: possibility to Colombia to be the leading country in the World trade. Colombia couldn’t build the canal (NO MONEY). Gave rights to build to French. Company declared itself in bankruptcy. U.S was there. Came in. suggested to build the canal. Colombia send a negotiator to negotiate with the U.S. Signed a treaty. Congress denied it. 
  • U.S threatened. 
  • U.S talked to Jose Agustin Arango and convinced him from separating from Colombia. U.S support to Panama.
  • U.S gave money to Colombia (NOTHING)

  • Quinquenio de Reyes
  • 1904 Reyes was a conservative had the support of part of the liberalism because his ideas weren’t as radical and exclusive as the ones of the conservative government. Therefore, he assumed the presidency. He wanted reconciliation between liberals and conservatives. He wanted to modernize our country (country losing a lot of time in war and not moving on).
  • He thought infrastructure in Colombia want good and the tax system wasn’t organized.
  • Presented to the congress a project that gave the ability to improve the infrastructure in Colombia and organize taxes. Allow him as president to develop infrastructure and economical projects.
  • This proposals weren’t approved because this meant that it would give all of the power to the president (living the possibility that future presidents were liberals)
  • Reyes decided to close the congress-1905. Called a national assembly to reform the 1886 constitution which modified the organization and political division of the country (divided and created new departments)
  • Gave the power to take decision in economic issues. And extended the presidential period from 4 to 6 years.
  • Reyes took away taxes from some of the departments which had benefits for them (not very good choice)
  • The elite groups didn’t like those decisions because they weren’t getting as much money as they used.
  • Created governmental opposition (elite antioqueña)
  • Reyes signed a negotiation with the U.S in which it recognized Colombia with an indemnization. 
  • Government had important achievements: military school, industrial support.
  • 1909 Reyes quitted as president, because it was too difficult (guerrilla, economic crisis, struggle between liberals and conservatives)
  • He was replaced by Jorge Holguin. He was there to cover for Reyes “meanwhile”. 1909-1909 (3 months) he quitted as well. 
  • Ramon Gonzales Valencia covered for him. 
  • Main achievements of the Reyes government:
    • He increased the railroads in Colombia (1904-1909) and built roads that were very good to support motorized vehicles
    • Reevaluated the Colombian peso. Pay easily external debts
    • Organized external debt: There was a big external debt, so he established agreements with the foreigner people, countries and banks Colombia owed, to generate a paying system to these organizations. 
    • Supported commercial navigation and supported navigation through the Magdalena river. Encouraged enterprises to use the river. Touristic visits through the river 

  • The opposition of Reyes organized the union republicana in 1909. 
  • Sectors of conservative and liberal party. 
  • Republican shared ideals of conciliation between liberals and conservatives.
  • Disagreed with Reyes when he said that 
  • Thought Reyes was a dictator because of the change in constitution
  • Thought the country should be rule by democratic and republican principles. 
  • 1910 reform to the constitution
  • Called upon a national assembly
  • Ramon Gonzales assumed the presidency in 1910; WITH THE PRESSURE HE CALLED A NATIONAL ASSEMBLY TO REFORM THE CONSTITUTION. Reform to conciliate
  • Changes in constitution:
    • Kept the legislative and executive branch (president and congress)
    • People should elect the president event if the president quitted.
    • Reduced period from 6 to 4 years. 
    • No president could be immediately reelected. (changed by Alvaro Uribe)
  • Carlos Enrique Restrepo part of the Republican Union. Conservative. 1910-1914.
  • Restrepo´s government was characterized by supporting the modernization and economic development of the country
  • Tried to organized the public finances
  • Encouraged the creation of new enterprises and companies.
  • Encouraged infrastructure.
  • Political/electoral reform: people vote for people and not for the party they belonged.
  • People didn’t like the political or economic reforms.
  • Liberal party was wishing to recover some of the members that participated in the republican union. 
  • Opposed restrepo. So the liberals that were with him didn’t support him any more
  • Republican defeat in 1914- people started to be against republican union.
  • END OF REPUBLICAN UNION. Defeat. Jose Vicente concha. 

Traditions and ideals came back to conservatism after lots of governments were trying to make lots of reforms. Conservatives were trying to make everything the way it was.  
Jose Vicente Concha (1914-1918) and Marco Fidel Suarez (1918) were more intellectual so they wanted to satisfy conservative interests. They weren’t very interested in investing money in the country.
  • Colombia felt into a deep economic crisis. WWI
  • The WWI impacted a lot of countries.
  • Investment in construction became primordial. No railroads
  • Lack of money. Couldn’t pay public functionaries (RIOTS)
  • Marco Fidel Suarez quitted presidency 
  • Laureano Gomez didn’t like Suarez´s government. 
  • Colombia wanted an agreement with U.S to solve the conflict with Panama
  • Urrutia- Thompson treaty recognized the indemnity for Colombia. People didn’t like it because 25 million weren’t enough. During Carlos E. Restrepo.
  • Suarez defended the trey because he thought the country should look for the U.S to become Colombia’s main ally.
  • Wanted U.S economic aid. He created the “doctrina de la estrella polar” (politic in which Suarez created the steps to follow to have a strong relation with the U.S) 
  • 1922: Pedro Nel Ospina (conservative). Plans of industry, modernization, economic advancing. Presidential period in a good economic situation. PERIO OF TIME KNOWN AS LA DANZA DE LOS MILLONES:
      • U.S aid. 
      • Indemnity was GIVEN. 
      • Coffee prices were increasing. Therefore, our imports were growing (railroads, navigation) 
      • Colombia receives loans from the banks of Wallstreet
    • 1923. Ospina hired a panel of experts. Kemmerer. Analyzed situation of the country. Solutions. Government created national bank (producing the money. Colombian currency), contraloria (controls money for public expenses), superintendencia financiera (controls how the banks work with the money. rates)
  • Miguel Abadia (1926-1928). 1928-1930 there were some problems that affected the government:
    • Massacre de las Bananeras: protests about banana plantations. Armed forces killed a lot of people. Protests because they had bad working conditions. 1928
    • Jornadas estudiantiles: 1929. Students’ protests because of the situation in the country. 
    • La depression: fall of the dollar. Wall street crisis (value market. Stock market fell. No investment from the people. vanished). U.S falls. We all fall. We were badly affected. 
    • Conservative party divided. Alfredo Vasquez Cabo and Guillermo Valencia. Loose presidential elections. Elected Enrique Olaya Herrera. Liberal. (LIBERAL REPUBLIC STARTED)

economic crisis 1929
division and weakness of the conservative party. not understanding.
social discontent

Enrique Olaya Herrera: concentración nacional
Eduardo Santos: WWII- ministry of work. social government
Lopez Pumarejo: revolución en marcha. 3 basic reforms (agrarias, taxes, education)

political reorganization
reformist revolution
church state separation
stimulated industry- education

government of Lleras Camargo
division in the liberal party
conservative won in the next elections.


  • conservative party divided
  • elections
  • Mariano Ospina Perez won the 1946 elections. Wanted to create a “national union” party such as the one created by Olaya Herrera (was a more moderate conservative)
  • Laureano Gomez won the 1950 elections. He was a great conservative. Headed the opposition to the proposal of the “national union” 
  • Pan-American conference led by the U.S n Bogota, end communism in Latin American, by the US. February 7, 1948,Gaitan talked in this conference.
  • Gaitan`s murder. People started to dismantle the city of Bogota. 
  • People were asking Ospina Perez to quit the presidency
  • Bogotazo: event in which the populations rose against everything to defend the biggest leader that has existed in Colombia`s History.
  • 1948 was a year of crisis
  • En 1950, comenzó la Guerra de Corea, en donde los Estados Unidos intervinieron militarmente para impedir la expansión comunista de la Unión Soviética en el oriente asiático

Liberal party Split/divided. One followers Gaitan, others Turbay.
1946-1953 Conservatives rule.
Mariano Ospina Peres (Conservative)1946, try to work with both parties. Murder of Gaitan 1948, started the violence. Interested in creating a National Union as Olaya Herrera. Some people opposed the national Union, in which liberals were part of the government,  including Laureano Gomez, including also people from both political parties (Including the people who followed Gaitan). Liberals like policies, mayors, military people, were replaced by conservatives. Ended when March 1948, before Gaitan death, people (liberals) quitted their works from the National Union. 
ï1948: Pan-American conference in Bogota, end communism in Latin American, by the US. February 7, 1948, Gaitan talked in this conference. 
April 9, 1948, Gaitan is killed by Juan Rojas Sierra two months after this conference. (Bogotazo).Protests and destruction as a result of Gaitan’s death. People asked Ospina to quit, and to take the conservatives out of the power. Raise against the government, to claim for the murder of Gaitan, social matters, and economy etc. 
ï1949: Critical year. Uncontrollable violence. Elections for the congress, liberals won. Liberal congress and Conservative president. Crash. Ospina Perez declared un Estado de Sitio (Declared the country with a political crisis), closed the congress, the asambleas departamentales, and the consejos municipals, imposed censors to the press and the radio. 
ïAchievements: good economy development. Internal gross product was bigger (5%). Created ministry of Hygiene, and instituto de Seguros Sociales. Also created estate business like la sederugica de Paz del Rio, and Telecom.

Laureano Gomez 1950, next president, also conservative. December 1949, elected as president. Only candidate. Extremely radical, conservative and religious. He excluded the liberals from the government and started a prosecution against his opponents, promoting even more the violence.
He was a franquist and anti American. However, during his presidency he dedicated to establish strong relations with US supporting the fight against the communism.
In 1950, the war with Korea started, where US had military intervention to prevent the expansion of communism of the Soviet Union in East Asia. Gomez created a military force created by the Batallon Colombia soldiers, which was sent to Korea to support US in war. This made US and Colombia direct allies during the Cold War.

In 1951, Gomez summoned a Asamblea Nacional Constituyente (ANAC), as a way to elaborate a new constitution. This gave the president more power, turned the congress in a corporatist body, remove the liberty of critic and establish a catholic education. The Assembly was meant to reunite on July 15 of 1953 to start its labors, something that was impossible to make because of the events of that year.

In November 1951, and because of the health estate of Gomez, Roberto Urdaneta was chosen as the designated president. The violence was worst, with the aggravation of the apparition of the guerrillas in the eastern plains (Llanos Orientales), and the political instability, that continued during his government. Gomez returned to his presidency in June 13 1953, but for the elites, he was not the person most indicated to manage problems in public order nor for creating another constitution.
Conservatives, liberals and the military plans a golpe de estado that was held the same day. They offered the presidency of Urdaneta, but his negativity, there they provided the military general Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, that assumed the presidency.

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