domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014


-          DNA is a large polymer (molecule made of subunits called nucleotides)
-          Hershey and chase discovered that DNA was the molecule incharged of carrying genetic information
-          Radioactivity is the characteristic that some elements can destroy the particles of the atom
-          Virus is DNA and protein
-          Dna is hereditary. Proteins aren’t
-          Chargaff was measuring the proportion of bases.  Amounts of nucleotides vary among species
-          Dna´s diameter was constant and stable. wilkings and franklin. Double helix
-          One strand of dna down and other up (antiparalelism)
-          Purines (A/G): two rings. pyrimidines (T/C): one ring
-          Dna 20 amino acids. Building blocks of life
-          Dna replication: copy of itself. Mitosis. autosomes
-          Meiosis is the same process but with sexual cells
-          To reproduce: separate the strands, rebuild (sugar, phosphate, base), enzyme nee needs something to grab strands. 3oh
-          Todos los azucares tienen 5 carbonos
-          Cells are constantly dividing. Every cell has a copy of the same dna
-          HELICASE
-          Rna primase: empieza reparacion de DNA
-          Dna polymerase
-          No puede juntarse 3 y 5

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