lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014


Liberal party Split/divided. One followers Gaitan, others Turbay.
1946-1953 Conservatives rule.
Mariano Ospina Peres (Conservative)1946, try to work with both parties. Murder of Gaitan 1948, started the violence. Interested in creating a National Union as Olaya Herrera. Some people opposed the national Union, in which liberals were part of the government,  including Laureano Gomez, including also people from both political parties (Including the people who followed Gaitan). Liberals like policies, mayors, military people, were replaced by conservatives. Ended when March 1948, before Gaitan death, people (liberals) quitted their works from the National Union. 
ï1948: Pan-American conference in Bogota, end communism in Latin American, by the US. February 7, 1948, Gaitan talked in this conference. 
April 9, 1948, Gaitan is killed by Juan Rojas Sierra two months after this conference. (Bogotazo).Protests and destruction as a result of Gaitan’s death. People asked Ospina to quit, and to take the conservatives out of the power. Raise against the government, to claim for the murder of Gaitan, social matters, and economy etc. 
ï1949: Critical year. Uncontrollable violence. Elections for the congress, liberals won. Liberal congress and Conservative president. Crash. Ospina Perez declared un Estado de Sitio (Declared the country with a political crisis), closed the congress, the asambleas departamentales, and the consejos municipals, imposed censors to the press and the radio. 
ïAchievements: good economy development. Internal gross product was bigger (5%). Created ministry of Hygiene, and instituto de Seguros Sociales. Also created estate business like la sederugica de Paz del Rio, and Telecom.

Laureano Gomez 1950, next president, also conservative. December 1949, elected as president. Only candidate. Extremely radical, conservative and religious. He excluded the liberals from the government and started a prosecution against his opponents, promoting even more the violence.
He was a franquist and anti American. However, during his presidency he dedicated to establish strong relations with US supporting the fight against the communism.
In 1950, the war with Korea started, where US had military intervention to prevent the expansion of communism of the Soviet Union in East Asia. Gomez created a military force created by the Batallon Colombia soldiers, which was sent to Korea to support US in war. This made US and Colombia direct allies during the Cold War.

In 1951, Gomez summoned a Asamblea Nacional Constituyente (ANAC), as a way to elaborate a new constitution. This gave the president more power, turned the congress in a corporatist body, remove the liberty of critic and establish a catholic education. The Assembly was meant to reunite on July 15 of 1953 to start its labors, something that was impossible to make because of the events of that year.

In November 1951, and because of the health estate of Gomez, Roberto Urdaneta was chosen as the designated president. The violence was worst, with the aggravation of the apparition of the guerrillas in the eastern plains (Llanos Orientales), and the political instability, that continued during his government. Gomez returned to his presidency in June 13 1953, but for the elites, he was not the person most indicated to manage problems in public order nor for creating another constitution.
Conservatives, liberals and the military plans a golpe de estado that was held the same day. They offered the presidency of Urdaneta, but his negativity, there they provided the military general Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, that assumed the presidency.

El Bogotazo 

En el año 1948, Bogotá se preparaba para realizar la IX Conferencia Panamericana, en la que se buscaba sentar las bases de la cooperación latinoamericana contra el comunismo, liderada por los Estados Unidos. El 7 de febrero, Gaitán pronunció su famosa Oración por la Paz, en la que pedía al presidente Ospina Pérez que tomara medidas ante la violencia que sacudía al país. Dos meses después, el 9 abril, el Caudillo del Pueblo cayó abaleado por Juan Roa Sierra frente a un edificio del centro de la ciudad. La reacción que produjo esta muerte entre sus seguidores derivó en motines de protesta que pedían la renuncia del presidente Ospina y la salida de los conservadores del poder. También hubo actos de vandalismo y enfrenamientos con el ejército. El Bogotazo fue uno de los levantamientos populares más grandes de la historia del país. 

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014


  • episode of strong protests in Colombia
  • since this moment its thought the starting of guerrillad and violence in colombia
  • influence of cuban revolution
  • possible suspects of gaitan murder: conspiracy of the CIA, betrayal of the party itself, conservative party
  • april 9, 1948. murder of Gaitan
  • Gaitan was the head of several protests against the violence imposed by the conservative government.

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014


1. The conservatism ended its ruling due to a division in the party and it was the opening door for the climb of liberalism to power. One of its main features was the experience that Colombian society lived. the church reduced its influence in people. the main purpose was the looking of the modernization in Colombia, no matter which measures the government had to take (generally conservative opposite actions). changes in culture, traditions and ideals.

2. period of time from 1930 to 1947 where there were a series of disputes going on between liberals and conservatives in Colombia. Both parties were looking for political and social recognition and something like the power over the Colombian institution.

3. yes, it was a war between Colombia and Peru from 1932 to 1933. The nations were fighting over commercial and navigational difficulties in the Amazon and Putumayo River. The war had an end with the treaty Salomon Lozano. On September 1st a group of Peruvian soldiers entered Leticia to claim it as theirs by capturing local authorities, expelling and disarming the Colombian Troops.

4. By lay 200 of 1936, there was a new agrarian reform.
By 1936, Lopez subscribed Colombia to take participation of and FTA with the United States.Reformed the constitution so that the government could have the right to intervene in the economy
Reformed education, but denied university´s autonomy

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014




COLOMBIA 1914-1930
BY: Laura Elorza, Sofía Londoño, María José Arias, Carolina Merkt.
Political situation
A word that could describe the political situation during this period of time is “stagnant”
By 1919, a socialist party was established in Bogota, and this became a big disturbance for the conservatives.
Between 1910 and 1930 the period of the conservative hegemony took its role. This period consisted in the ruling of several conservative presidents and several presidential periods leaded by conservative party.
Political relations with the U.S got weaker due to the loss of Panama and the influence that this nation had in the separation of this territory from Colombia. This generated that Colombia wasn’t a dependent country on the U.S
On the other hand, knowing about the social situation of protests and revolts that was going on, there were certain laws that restricted the right to protest between 1919 and 1920. The government answered to these revolts with no other action than recurring to violence and for this reason the conservative party was recognized as a violent government.
Due to this social revolts there was some movement called the political seism, by which many or all of the countries of Latin America changed their ruler. By 1930, Miguel Abadía Mendes was democratically elected.
Effects of WWI
In the context of Colombia and to explain the effects of WWI briefly, the changes this brought to Colombia and directly in some way Latin America were the following:
·         Higher demand in the production and distribution of goods and services.
·         Socialist party
·         Social unconformity from the people against the government and the conditions in all aspects proposed by the government. With this social unconformities came the desperate actions of the government, but along with this the flourishing and distinction (in a good or bad way) of the army
The prices in Latin America went lower and the exportations reduced a 50% this would affect the economy but Latin America made a really smart decision, the expansion and growth of the internal economy in the country this started to produce what before the war was imported from United States and Europe.
The countries also tried to modernized and the state had to change the infrastructure arrange the economy, taxes and banks.
The internal economy grow especially because of the coffee production (main economic activity of the country)
Economic situation
By 1922, the Colombian Congress authorized a law which promoted the creation of a national bank in order to give a solution to the monetary situation.
By 1923, President Pedro Nel Ospina prepared a panel of experts to evaluate the economic reality of the country (Kemmerer mission)
During this period of time in general, economy gets to grow because external commerce is paralyzed and this demands Colombia to produce more, sell more and therefore, increase its level of industrialization.  WWI had positive effects, not only in Colombia but, also in Latin America due to the high demand of production.
As well, knowing how stagnant the economy was during the years of 1905, it was able to increase its fluency between 1912 and 1919, where the selling of products such as coffee doubled and even tripled. This continuous growth lasted till 1930. All of these events gave Colombia the capability to grow as well regarding its importing characteristics.
This is shown as a general idea, but in 1929 an economic crisis arrived. It’s called “la gran depression” which consisted in the excessive production of coffee all around the world; this brought as an effect a lot of external competence and higher taxes on exportations, which increased the prices of coffee and therefore, spellings decreased dramatically and directly the incomes for coffee producers.
The U.S granted an indemnisation to Colombia of 25 million dollars.
:  The economic integration of the Latin American countries introduced an increase of the exportation of agricultural products; this would cause social economic changes in the society of Antioquia.
 Till now in all Latin America as well as in Antioquia economy was driven by the high class, Antioquia basically exported gold and tobacco.
 In the final stages of the 19th century with the expansion of the coffee exportation that passed from 7 % to 50%, the society and economy of Antioquia suffered severe changes. To increase the coffee production new plantations were needed. This caused a large land expansion where the government wanted the big industries to cultivate the coffee but the small and middle class farms prevailed over the bigger ones.
This was a local success because none other country in Latin America was able to produce with small and middle size farms.
This generated in Antioquia that the poor and middle class society became predominant and had an important role in the economy of Antioquia.
With all this money exceeds, the society of Antioquia invested in industry, specially textiles and fabrics.
This process of economic growth based on the investment of exceeds of coffee production in the industry, entered in crisis in 1914th.
 The word economy suffered a major change when it passed from the hands of England to those of the United States. England exported to Latin America machinery and imported agricultural products. The United States produced agricultural products in excess so we did not import these products from Latin America.
This generated a big downfall in the agricultural product exportation from Latin America.
Social situation
Population between 1918 to 1928 population grew from 5.855 to 7.212 habitants. A lot of things started to change, but something that is still kept as a remarkable event in the Colombian history is the Massacre de las Bananeras, which took place by 1928. The reason why this gets to be such an incredible event is because it involved the actions of the armed forces against the Protestants which were involved in protests looking for better working conditions.
This period of time imposed a challenge on modernization, not only economically or politically. Colombia society started to develop as well art and literature, which in Colombia were a key factor to develop the Colombia culture. Through art and literature society showed the change and the independence from European cultures.
As people started to take a lot of consciousness about indigenous peoples, literature also talked about these facts.
Colombia suffered a period of time which passed all over Latin America, called the reformism. It emerged in COLOBMIA due in the sector of the Bananeras. This period didn’t only consist in protests, but as well it involved hard conflicts and extreme clashes between people and the army.
Presidents during this period of time
Marco Fidel Suárez (1918-1921)
He enforced the system of communication of the country: the transportation of the “ferroviario” and”fluvial”, established the commerce through airplanes, he put the “telegraph inalambrico” for the main cities of the country. He didn’t end his presidential time because of a discussion in the parliament.
Jorge Holguín (1921-1922)
He became a general after participation on the civil wars. During this time the commitment of Thompson-Urrutia was approved that stated the loss of Panama and that the United States had to pay 25 million dollars 
Pedro Nel Ospina (1858-1927) (1922-1926)
During his ruling time he brought the professor Edwin Kemmerer, specialist on finances so that he organized the back of the republic; he built “ferrocarriles”, the “oleoducto” between Barrancabermeja and Cartagena, and made progress on the education and medical sector.
Miguel Abadía Méndez (1867-1947) (1926-1930)
During his ruling time he had to face the movement of the workers, the rising of different indigenes in la Guajira. After overcoming this country riches stability and order, which brought a lot of foreign investors. Tension was created between petrol companies of United States.
Kemmerer misión
Lasted from 1922 to 1926 and was directed by Pedro Nel Ospina. Due to the recent economic crisis, the congress decided to approve a law by which the government was granted with the possibility to equip a mission with foreign specialists in order to be able to create a new administrative structure. As well this law led to the creation to the National Bank.
In the will to accomplish this mission, President Pedro Nel Ospina named as a foreign minister mister Enrique Olaya Herrera, in order to hire professionals to grant the adequate development of the mission.
For this reason he proposed Mr. Walker Kemmerer, head the mission, along with other experts he suggested such as H. M. Jefferson, Fred Rogers Fairchaild, Thomas Russell Lill and Frederick Bliss Luquiens. Through the development of this mission which was taken slowly, new economic organisms and entities flourished in Colombia, and as well, new projects and laws regarding Banking establishments.
Danza de los millones

"La danza de los millones" was called the time were United States gave 25 million dollars to Colombia because of the commitment they made (commitment of Thompson-Urrutia) this gave a great economic prosperity. The president of Colombia with this money made 14 projects to modernize Colombia one of the main projects was the extension of the railroad of the pacific (region were the president was born), the government gave help to the national and foreign industries but the money was rapidly over and live the projects undone. But the Coffee cultivation was also the main economic activity and gave a big economic income to Colombia. ​


-          DNA is a large polymer (molecule made of subunits called nucleotides)
-          Hershey and chase discovered that DNA was the molecule incharged of carrying genetic information
-          Radioactivity is the characteristic that some elements can destroy the particles of the atom
-          Virus is DNA and protein
-          Dna is hereditary. Proteins aren’t
-          Chargaff was measuring the proportion of bases.  Amounts of nucleotides vary among species
-          Dna´s diameter was constant and stable. wilkings and franklin. Double helix
-          One strand of dna down and other up (antiparalelism)
-          Purines (A/G): two rings. pyrimidines (T/C): one ring
-          Dna 20 amino acids. Building blocks of life
-          Dna replication: copy of itself. Mitosis. autosomes
-          Meiosis is the same process but with sexual cells
-          To reproduce: separate the strands, rebuild (sugar, phosphate, base), enzyme nee needs something to grab strands. 3oh
-          Todos los azucares tienen 5 carbonos
-          Cells are constantly dividing. Every cell has a copy of the same dna
-          HELICASE
-          Rna primase: empieza reparacion de DNA
-          Dna polymerase
-          No puede juntarse 3 y 5

jueves, 6 de marzo de 2014

horario 2014

9:35 - 10:05 DESCANSO
11:30 - 11:35 TRANSICIÓN
12:55 - 1:40 A L M U E R Z O