martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014



Cristobal colon proposed the King and queen of Spain support to Exchange merchandise. On August 3rd 1492 la niña, la pinta and santa maria departed and on their way they met a new continent found by Americo Vespucio which was name America. Spaniards started to establish cities in Colombian territories turning Spain into the most powerful nation in the world. The Borbon family wanted to reestablish Spanish imperialism meanwhile the creoles were completely against the treatment and abuses they were receiving and communicated 17 petitions to the Spanish regime.
Jose Antonio Galan organized the rebellion and he was later executed.
Creoles felt threatened by the Napoleonic conquer over Spain and the fact that he posed his brother over Spanish power and for this reason Colombian population gathered and created a plan to be developed on July 20th were they were going to create rebellion over the borrowing of the “florero de Llorente” in order to take the vice King out of power. Several cities had become independent of Spain.
Antonio Nariño and Camilo Torres represented each different ideal which after fighting over these ideals Tunja`s federalism was recognized.
Spain planned what was called the “reconquista”.
Simon Bolivar (influenced by European idelas of illustration) along with Nariño and Francisco de Paula Santander (politician called “el hombre de las leyes”) and they planned a campaign to grant the Nueva Granada’s Independence which concluded in the Batalla de Boyaca were we were granted with our independence

1.    Comuneros revolution
Armed raisings and manifestations which took place in Colombia by the year 1781 because of the rising of prices in taxes under the excuse of looking the imposition of borbonic reforms but the only purpose it had was to be able to finance French participation in a battle over North American independence
2.    Antonio Nariños translation of the declaration of human rights
Antonio Nariño one of the pioneers of revolution and one of the defenders of people against abuses in Nueva Granada translated from French to Spanish the most important outcome of the French revolution, Human rights declaration (1794)
3.    Botanical expedition
Expedition leaded by Jose Celestino Mutis with the purpose of creating a conscience regarding the nature and natural resources that the nation possessed and as well to find new alternatives (medicine and investigation). This brought as well new research capabilities for the nation.
4.    Memorial de agravios
1809. Document written by Camilo torres were he emphasizes the territories of the new world and turning this document into a key path to fin the Colombian identity. It’s considered as a call of equality.
“¡Igualdad! Santo derecho de la igualdad, justicia que estribas en esto, y en dar a cada uno lo que es suyo”
5.    1782 death of Jose Antonio Galan

1.    U.S independence
Proclaimed on July 4th, 1776 because of the unconformity that was causing the imposition of new taxes by part of the British. This independence movement prove the creoles that economic, social and political freedom was possible
2.    French revolution and Spain`s situation in 1808
The basic fall of the French monarchy left as its main phrase “liberty, equality, fraternity” which also influenced other movements such as the American revolution with the following factors to be taken into account:
Social: unfair societal division (nobility- privileged states) No rights
Political: unjust government. “Coward” government. Unstable government. Weak leadership (LEADERS- LOUIS AND MARIE ANTOINETTE)
Economic: Frances economy was in decline. Marie Antoinette expended all the money. DEFICIT. Peasants had to pay all taxes. Church and nobility owned all the lands just for themselves.
Cultural: enlightenment ideals
General: government didn’t care about infrastructure, health or organizing the economy.
On the other hand Spain was passing through a terrible situation regarding its stability due to the Napoleonic invasion in 1808 were Napoleon took the king put of power and settled his brother.

v Independence movements didn’t just start at Santa fe but in different locations of the country
v July 3rd 1810: people from Cali redacted and signed an edict which proclaimed the sovereignty that existed over the province of Popayan, but still they gave recognition to the king
v July 20th 1810: creoles gathered at a central point were they asked Llorente the borrowing of a jar with the excused that it was necessary for the welcoming of Antonio Villavicencio, which he denied and he started to be insulted by Morales. All of this was just an excuse to create the manifestations that took place at the plaza were creoles started to ask and celebrate the calling for cabildos (PRIMER GRITO DE INDEPENDENCIA)
v Simon Bolivar started to conform along with Francisco de Paula Santander a big nation conformed by Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela and Ecuador
v 1813: the King Fernando VII took power again over Spain and had the purpose of reestablishing power over the lost colonies in America
v 1815: Spanish king sent his troops under the control of Pablo Morillo (experienced military of the war against the French republic). The campaign started to take place over Cartagena were the citizens resisted successfully for 106 days but they got to a point were hunger and pressure took them to surrender to Spanish forces
v 1816: the Reign of Terror became murillo`s public campaign based on pressure. Nine leaders of revolution were murdered and among those: Policarpa Salavarrieta, Antonio Santos, Antonio Villavicencia, Jose Maria Carbonell, Camilo Torres, Francisco Jose de Caldas
v Batalla del Pantano de Vargas: July 25th, 1819 which took place in Boyaca which had as purpose to close the way to military.
Ø  Economic: the independence movements obstructed economic systems established by the Spanish regime. New complications to administer natural resources emerged
Ø  Political: governmental positions were assumed by creoles knowing that Spaniards were taken out of power
Ø  Social: new social structures were established and there were several reforms regarding the social aspects in which the nation was living (indigenous people were considered citizens). Slow growing in Colombia`s population
Ø  Illustration became an influential factor regarding the perceptions over topics such as society

Ø  No matter how harsh things could seem to be during recent times after the independence process consequences keep being shown up to today and a very important consequences is regarding colombiars growth regarding external relationships, the ability to develop trade with the international community, treat problems regarding violence and grant a stable political system

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