martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014


1.    The treaty made Germany assume severe restrictions on military operations, it was declared as the guilty one , in economic ways due to the payment of the reparations that Germany had to make and plus, a big loss Germany had regarding substantial territories. Another military impact that Germany had to suffer was the restriction on the creation of weaponry and war material
2.    Alsace-Lorraine and the extension of the French border to the West of the Rhine River

6. Were the Versailles treaties fair? Consider all the nations affected
Even if it did bring benefits to other countries affected by the war because they were not condemned as guilty and another nation was going to pay for the reparations, it was completely unfair. The treaty punished just Germany knowing that the fault of the war was of everyone. Plus, people in Africa and Asia were not comfortable with the fact that their claims of independence were ignored. Every nation took a role in the war and took action and the only one, which had to assume the true economic and military consequences, was Germany

7. Why might European allies have been more interested in punishing Germany tan in creation a lasting peace?
Because they felt that all o the responsibility and guilt of the Great War was because of Germany and its ideals. They thought that the fact that Germany had been constantly active during the war since the very beginning till the very end made it the cause of the war and not the true causes such as nationalism, which eventually lead to militarism. Plus, the creation of a lasting peace may had bring several restrictions to all nations while if Germany was the only one punished the rest were going to be benefitted out of this decision.

9. Create a list of five interview questions a reporter might ask Wilson or Clemenceau about the Paris peace conference. Then write possible answers to those questions
·      What pushed you to keep Russia out of the conference?
A= Russia was in the middle of a civil war and for such reason they are not enoughly stable like to take part in a peace conference.




Cristobal colon proposed the King and queen of Spain support to Exchange merchandise. On August 3rd 1492 la niña, la pinta and santa maria departed and on their way they met a new continent found by Americo Vespucio which was name America. Spaniards started to establish cities in Colombian territories turning Spain into the most powerful nation in the world. The Borbon family wanted to reestablish Spanish imperialism meanwhile the creoles were completely against the treatment and abuses they were receiving and communicated 17 petitions to the Spanish regime.
Jose Antonio Galan organized the rebellion and he was later executed.
Creoles felt threatened by the Napoleonic conquer over Spain and the fact that he posed his brother over Spanish power and for this reason Colombian population gathered and created a plan to be developed on July 20th were they were going to create rebellion over the borrowing of the “florero de Llorente” in order to take the vice King out of power. Several cities had become independent of Spain.
Antonio Nariño and Camilo Torres represented each different ideal which after fighting over these ideals Tunja`s federalism was recognized.
Spain planned what was called the “reconquista”.
Simon Bolivar (influenced by European idelas of illustration) along with Nariño and Francisco de Paula Santander (politician called “el hombre de las leyes”) and they planned a campaign to grant the Nueva Granada’s Independence which concluded in the Batalla de Boyaca were we were granted with our independence

1.    Comuneros revolution
Armed raisings and manifestations which took place in Colombia by the year 1781 because of the rising of prices in taxes under the excuse of looking the imposition of borbonic reforms but the only purpose it had was to be able to finance French participation in a battle over North American independence
2.    Antonio Nariños translation of the declaration of human rights
Antonio Nariño one of the pioneers of revolution and one of the defenders of people against abuses in Nueva Granada translated from French to Spanish the most important outcome of the French revolution, Human rights declaration (1794)
3.    Botanical expedition
Expedition leaded by Jose Celestino Mutis with the purpose of creating a conscience regarding the nature and natural resources that the nation possessed and as well to find new alternatives (medicine and investigation). This brought as well new research capabilities for the nation.
4.    Memorial de agravios
1809. Document written by Camilo torres were he emphasizes the territories of the new world and turning this document into a key path to fin the Colombian identity. It’s considered as a call of equality.
“¡Igualdad! Santo derecho de la igualdad, justicia que estribas en esto, y en dar a cada uno lo que es suyo”
5.    1782 death of Jose Antonio Galan

1.    U.S independence
Proclaimed on July 4th, 1776 because of the unconformity that was causing the imposition of new taxes by part of the British. This independence movement prove the creoles that economic, social and political freedom was possible
2.    French revolution and Spain`s situation in 1808
The basic fall of the French monarchy left as its main phrase “liberty, equality, fraternity” which also influenced other movements such as the American revolution with the following factors to be taken into account:
Social: unfair societal division (nobility- privileged states) No rights
Political: unjust government. “Coward” government. Unstable government. Weak leadership (LEADERS- LOUIS AND MARIE ANTOINETTE)
Economic: Frances economy was in decline. Marie Antoinette expended all the money. DEFICIT. Peasants had to pay all taxes. Church and nobility owned all the lands just for themselves.
Cultural: enlightenment ideals
General: government didn’t care about infrastructure, health or organizing the economy.
On the other hand Spain was passing through a terrible situation regarding its stability due to the Napoleonic invasion in 1808 were Napoleon took the king put of power and settled his brother.

v Independence movements didn’t just start at Santa fe but in different locations of the country
v July 3rd 1810: people from Cali redacted and signed an edict which proclaimed the sovereignty that existed over the province of Popayan, but still they gave recognition to the king
v July 20th 1810: creoles gathered at a central point were they asked Llorente the borrowing of a jar with the excused that it was necessary for the welcoming of Antonio Villavicencio, which he denied and he started to be insulted by Morales. All of this was just an excuse to create the manifestations that took place at the plaza were creoles started to ask and celebrate the calling for cabildos (PRIMER GRITO DE INDEPENDENCIA)
v Simon Bolivar started to conform along with Francisco de Paula Santander a big nation conformed by Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela and Ecuador
v 1813: the King Fernando VII took power again over Spain and had the purpose of reestablishing power over the lost colonies in America
v 1815: Spanish king sent his troops under the control of Pablo Morillo (experienced military of the war against the French republic). The campaign started to take place over Cartagena were the citizens resisted successfully for 106 days but they got to a point were hunger and pressure took them to surrender to Spanish forces
v 1816: the Reign of Terror became murillo`s public campaign based on pressure. Nine leaders of revolution were murdered and among those: Policarpa Salavarrieta, Antonio Santos, Antonio Villavicencia, Jose Maria Carbonell, Camilo Torres, Francisco Jose de Caldas
v Batalla del Pantano de Vargas: July 25th, 1819 which took place in Boyaca which had as purpose to close the way to military.
Ø  Economic: the independence movements obstructed economic systems established by the Spanish regime. New complications to administer natural resources emerged
Ø  Political: governmental positions were assumed by creoles knowing that Spaniards were taken out of power
Ø  Social: new social structures were established and there were several reforms regarding the social aspects in which the nation was living (indigenous people were considered citizens). Slow growing in Colombia`s population
Ø  Illustration became an influential factor regarding the perceptions over topics such as society

Ø  No matter how harsh things could seem to be during recent times after the independence process consequences keep being shown up to today and a very important consequences is regarding colombiars growth regarding external relationships, the ability to develop trade with the international community, treat problems regarding violence and grant a stable political system


Marching Towards War
Rising Tensions in Europe:
Peace and harmony characterized much of Europe at the beginning of the 1900s
The rise of nationalism: nationalism is the deep devotion to ones nation; it can be a unifying force within a country yet It can also cause intense competition between countries.  By the beginning of the 1900s a deep rivalry originated among Germany, Austria-Hungary, Great Britain, Russia, Italy and France. This rivalry began for different reasons:
-       Competitions for materials and markets
-       Territorial disputes
-       And the demand for independence from the Balkans
Imperialism and militarism: another cause for war was imperialism. Different nations in Europe were fighting for different colonies in Africa and Asia, this causing the deepening their sense of rivalry and mistrust towards one another. Another trouble was the rise of dangerous European arms race because the nations beloved that to be truly great they should have a powerful army.

·       Efforts to outlaw war and achieve a permanent peace had been gaining momentum in Europe since the middle of the 19the century.
·       Some Europeans believed that progress had made war a thing of the past.
·       Yet in little more than a decade, a massive war would spread across the globe.

The Rise of Nationalism:
·       The growth of nationalism deep devotion to one’s nation—caused intense competition among the Great Powers:: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, and France.
·        The Great Powers competed for and territory.
·       Intense nationalism in the nations of the Balkans led to demands for independence among Serbs, Bulgarians, Romanians, and others.

    Imperialism and Militarism:
·      Imperialism, and the quest for colonies, sometimes pushed European nations to the brink of war and intensified the sense of rivalry and mistrust. The nations of Europe took pride in having strong militaries and being prepared for war. This led to a dangerous arms race.
·      Glorifying military power is called militarism.
Tangled Alliances:
·    Growing rivalries and mutual mistrust had led to the creation of several military alliances among the Great Powers as early as the 1870s. This alliance system had been designed to keep peace in Europe. But it would instead help push the continent into war.
Bismarck Forges Early Pacts:
·    Between 1864 and 1871, Prussia’s blood- and-iron chancellor, Otto von Bismarck, freely used war to unify Germany.
·    Bismarck saw France as the greatest threat to peace. 
·    His goal was to isolate France and leave it without allies.
·     In 1879, Bismarck formed the Dual Alliance between Germany and Austria- Hungary.
·    In 1881, Italy joined this alliance forming the Triple Alliance.
·    Bismarck wasnearly a King. He used war to uniffy Germany
Shifting Alliances Threaten Peace:
·    In 1890, Germany’s foreign policy changed dramatically. That year, Kaiser Wilhelm II—ruler of Germany—forced Bismarck to resign.
·    Wilhelm let his nation’s treaty with Russia lapse in 1890.
·     Russia formed a military alliance with France in 1892 and 1894. Such an alliance had been Bismarck’s fear.
·    Kaiser Wilhelm II starts a shipbuilding program to make the German navy equal to the British fleet.
·     Alarmed by this, England forms the Triple Entente with France and Russia.
·    Therefore, there are two rival camps in Europe: the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente.

Crisis in the Balkans:
·      This mountainous peninsula in the southeastern corner of Europe was home to an assortment of ethnic groups. With a long history of nationalist uprisings and ethnic clashes, the Balkans was known as the “powder keg” of Europe.
A Restless Region:
·      By the early 1900s the Ottoman Turks had declined and the peoples of the Balkans had formed new nations: Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, Romania, and Serbia.
·      Serbia had a large Slavic population and was supported by Russia.
·       In 1908, Austria annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbian leaders were outraged and tensions between the two nations rose.
A Shot Rings Throughout Europe:
·    On June 28, 1914 the heir to the throne of Austria, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, paid a visit to Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. Foolishly, they were riding in an open car.
·      Europe was divided into 2 groups: the Triple Entente, Great Britain, France and Russia and the Triple Alliance, Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy
·      The Great war begins
·      Due to Ausyrias declaration of war on Serbia, Russia began moving troops to the Austrian and German border, the germans thought of this as a war declaration and declared war on Russia, Germany also declared war on France 2 days later which caused Great Britain to declare war on Germany
·      Nations Take Sides called central powers because of their location in Europe (Germany and Austria-hungary), they were later on joined by Bulgaria and the Ottoman empire
·      Allied powers = GB, France and Russia. Later on joined by Japan and Italy after it left the Cebtral powers
·      A Bloody Stalemate
·      In 1914 fall the war started along the battle fields of France, this region became known as the Western Front
·      The Conflict Grinds Along Germany has an on-going war on both of its fronts so it developed a battle strategy called Schlieffen Plan, it consisted on defeating France in the west and then rushing to the east to fight Russia, they thought they could do this because Russia had slow transportation.
·      Germans seemed to be following their plan of rapidly defeatinf France, but then the Allies regrouped and attacked the Germans, after a few days the Germans retreated. This battle called the First Battle of the Marne was probably the most important event of the war, it ruined the german plans and the Russians were able to invade Germany in the east
·      War In The Trenches in 1915 armies in the Western Front built trenches to protect themselves, this set a stage in war called trench warfare.
·      The Battle in the Eastern Front
·      There were millions of men fighting in the eastern Front, this area was along the Russian and german border. Germans and Austro-Hungarians were fighting Russians and serbs in this area
·      Early Fighting at the beginning of war Russians has launched an attack in Germany and Austria, in Germany the invading Russian army was defeated. Meanwhile the Russian army defeated the Austrian in setember 1914.
·      Russia Struggles By 1916, Russias war effort was near collapse. Russia wasn’t industrialized yet which made the Russian army short of some basic necessities.the shipments sent by the allies to Russia were limited by the control of the germans in the Baltic sea, combined with Germanys submarine campaign in the north sea.
·      The only adnatage of the russan army was its numbers. Even thought they had great losses the army rebuilt itself due to the countries enormous population

Australia and Japan joined the allies and India supplied troops to fight along the British. The ottoman, Turks and Bulgaria later joined the central powers
The Gallipoli Campaign the allies found a strategy that seemed promising, this strategy was to attack the Dardanelles in the Ottoman Empire, this sea strait was the way to get to Constantinople so that they could defeat the Turks and establish a supply line to Russia. The attacks to this region began on 1915 by the allied powers but the Turks commanded by the Germans. In December the allies gave up.
Battles in Africa and Asia Germanys colonial possessions came under assault. The Japanese overrun German outpost in China, they also captured Germanys pacific island colonies. Britain and France seized control of 3 of Germanys African possessions. Some of the British colonies helped during the war hoping that this service would lead to their independence
America Joins the Fight in 1917 the Germans intensified the submarine warfare in the Atlantic Ocean. They announced that their submarines would sink any ship in the water around Britain; this was called unrestricted submarine warfare. This was tried once before and they had sunk a passenger ship with American citizens in it.
Desperate for an advantage over the allies the Germans returned to the warfare and even though president Wilson warned them the Germans sunk 2 American ships.
Germany also sent a note to Mexico stating that they would help them reconquering the land it had lost to the USA if Mexico allied itself to them.
These 2 factors made president Wilson ask the congress to declare war on Germany and entered the side of the allies
In the 3 years of war that had passed, Europe had lost more men in battle than in all the wars of the previous 3 centuries
Governments Wage Total War World War 1 became a total war. Countries devoted all of their resources to war effort. Governments in the most important European countries were dedicated to winning the conflict. The wartime government took control of economy.
Factories fueron canviadas a munitos factories. Almost every civilian was put to work.
Government began turning to rationing, they suppressed anti-war activity, and censored war news fearing that this would turn people against war. Governments used propaganda to persuade, to keep the morale and to support war
Women and The War women replaced man at factories. They built tanks, munitions, ran hospitals plowed the fields and paved the streets. They kept the troops supplied.
Russia Withdraws in 1917, civil unrest in Russia caused the establishment of a provisional government. They pledged to continue fighting but after 5.5 million deaths and wounds the Russian army refused to continue fighting.
After the new government took place, a revolution shook Russia and a communist leader Lenin seized power, he insisted on ending the involvement of Russia in war and signed a treaty called Brest-Litovsk with Germany which declared the end of war between them
The Central Powers Collapse Russia withdrawal allowed Germany to send all of its troops to the Western Front. In 1918 the Germans lanzaron one last massive attack and defeated repeatedly the French, they were 40 miles away from Paris but their troops were greatly weakened. In July with the help f American troops the Allied forces smashed through the German forces and began advancing towards Germany.
The central powers began to crumble, first the Bulgarians, then the ottoman Turks surrendered, and in Germany the people turned on the Kaiser
On November 11 1918 the Germans and French signed an armistice and the world war came to an end.
This was a new kind of war, it involved new technologies, it ushered the notion of war on a global scale. 8.5 million soldiers died while about 21 million were wounded.
War had a negative effect on Europe’s economy. It drained the treasuries of European countries.


Russians and Serbs against Austrians and Germans
¨        Russia/Germany: eastern
¨        France and Germany: western
30,000 Russian soldiers were killed
Stalemate: first battle won by one side, but then the other side wins. THERE IS NO WINNER
Russia wasn’t an industrialized nation and needed supplies fro allies, which needed to take things to Russia through the Baltic sea which was commanded by Germany
European countries had colonies

Constantinople is the entrance either to Europe or to Asia. It has been tried to be taken a million times
Ghandi supported the participation of India
Once America joins the war, there is TOTAL WAR

Central powers: near Germany
Germany sank American ships. US declared war
Germany wanted mexico as an ally against the U.S
News were censured

With the U.S
Russia was leaving a revolution and that was leaving czar Nicolas step out
Russian army fought till the end
Germany and Russia signed agreement. END FIGHT

If Germany conquered Paris they would have won the war
Revolution in Germany (Kaiser down) and austro Hungary made the central powers loss their power
Ottoman empire retired
Germany signed a peace agreement with France, which was more powerful than Germany due to the support of the U.S
Treaty of Versailles (league of nations)
Free trade wasn’t a good idea for Italy
Freedom of the seas was not a good idea for Germany
Reduction of army wasn’t a good idea for France
Reduction of navy wasn’t a good idea for Britain
They were not leaving their colonies


1917 was the final explosion
The 19th century in Russia was based on the oppressive government of the czars

1881 a3 succeeded his father who was reforming Russia and wanted change
Autocracy: there is only one person with the total power of the government (ALEXANDER3). HE WANTED TO TAKE OUT REVOLUTIONARIES. Censured religion, languages, letters, everything written, media

He started to watch schools and universities to prevent more revolution. Report of every student to the government.
Political prisoners (questioning czar power) were sent to Siberia

And starts working on the industrialization. Factories doubled. Russia became the 4th country to produce the biggest amount of steel. Industrialization brought the same problems to Russia as it did to Britain. Rapid industrialization stirred discontent among the people of Russia and brought new problems.
Raise taxes, sought foreign investors (Britain and France).
Trans-Siberian Railway.
Russia said unions were illegal so workers became revolutionaries (followed Marxist ideals).
MENSHEVICKS conservatives (one of the groups) wanted the leading revolution be commanded by lots of people
BOLSHEVIKS were the radicals that wanted fewer people to lead the revolution
LENIN was a leader. His brother had been killed by the czars (Bolsheviks)

1800 RUSO JAPANESE WAR: was between Russia and Japan for the control of Korea and Manchuria
1905: bloody Sunday. 200.000 workers started revolution (approached the czar palace). They were demanding better working conditions, elected legislature and less censures.
Nicolas ordered soldiers to fire them. More than 1000 wounded
Provoked period of violence all around the country
NICOLAS APPROVED THE CREADION OF THE duma (parliament were just moderates could participate) which dissolved in 10 weeks.
1914 NICOLAS WANTED RUSSIA TO BECOME PART OF THE WW. He didn’t take into account what a nation needs to be part of a war. Czar left because he left to the warfront
The czarina was left in charge. She wasn’t going to take into account what the advisors said. Fell in Rasputin spell. Her sun was hemophiliac and Rasputin said he could cure that. RASPUTING WAS INMORTAL
March revolution forced the czars to step down
Leaders of the duma established a provisional government
Lenin came back. Germany thought that if Lenin came back this would stop the incursion of Russia into war so the Germans pushed the coming back of Lenin. 1917
People in cities were adding to the cause of all power to the soviets
Lenin took control of the country. Stopped war with Germany
Russia signed a peace agreement giving their land to Germany and their allies
White army against the Bolshevik red army (leo commanded)
The civil war became a chaos in Russia. Western nations helped white army
14 million Russians died in 3 years
People died out of hunger
There was a flu that killed millions of people in Russia
Red army wins
1921 economic policy: allowed people to sell and have money and stabilize the economy. The government kept control of certain industries. Encouraged foreign investments
1924 communists created a constitution based on principles
1928 economy became stable so he got reforms back. Lenin created the USSR Russia divided in self-governing little. Bolshevicks became communist Russian party
LENIN WAS A DICTATOR liked by people. He died in 1922.
Stalin replaced him (leader of the communist party by 1928) Lenin didn’t like Stalin. 8